
Atlas of the Habitual Art Project


Atlas of the Habitual



Atlas of the Habitual hyper-digitizes an individual’s life to question what, if any, value can be attributed to the generation of personal data. Through the production of 60+ categorized maps ranging from the mundane to the momentous, the atlas depicts a complex self-portrait spanning an excess of 2072 miles in one small town over a 200 day period.



Concept & Design


Data Points: Visualization That Means Something


Science Gallery, Dublin


VICE, WIRED, Flowing Data, Infosthetics


With the rise of both the quantified self movement and commercial location based services, companies are not only learning more about our personal lives, they are profiting off our desire to share and be connected. While they may have our raw location data, they may never fully be able to analyze the human narratives that hide in all of our personalized datasets.

The atlas is an exploration into how this information can be made tangible for the individual while addressing the mammoth task of keeping up with constantly generating data.



The times I was the most miserable. Includes the time I got pulled over and received a speeding ticket, saw a dead deer fall off the back of a pickup truck, got frustrated for driving past a hiking trailhead several times, running my car into a snowbank, driving 40 miles on a tire donut because I hit an eight-foot ladder in Albany NY, and having to walk my bike because it either broke in some way.

Total distance on map: 22.99 miles


Dirty Underwear

Laundry is time-consuming and expensive.

Total distance on map: 39.80 miles

Installation at LIFELOGGING exhibition at the Science Gallery in Dublin. Image by Science Gallery.

Installation at LIFELOGGING exhibition at the Science Gallery in Dublin. Image by Science Gallery.

Installation at LIFELOGGING exhibition at the Science Gallery in Dublin. Image by Science Gallery.

Installation at LIFELOGGING exhibition at the Science Gallery in Dublin. Image by Science Gallery.